The Gay People's Chronicle website is updated every Friday and reflects the current issue of the printed version. The Chronicle's website is seen by over 1000 visitors per week. They come from Ohio and across the country, finding us via links from other sites, search engines and word of mouth.
Chronicle readers tell us that they are brand loyal and tend to utilize services and purchase products advertised in "their" newspaper. Chronicle advertisers tell us that they receive a far better return for their dollar than with any other advertising vehicle.
Online / Banner Ad Specifications:
Ad files are accepted in GIF or JPEG/JPG format only.
Pixel dimensions must be exactly as listed below - not one pixel bigger or smaller please. They must fit into a very specific location. Variance from these dimensions will affect the layout of our pages and may subject your image to further editing by our web designer.
File size limits are noted below. Files exceeding these limits are subject to further editing and compression by our web designer as well as an additional artwork charge. (if unsure, talk to us - we can work with your needs)
Animated GIF files are welcome, however we reserve the right to reject any ad that is too distracting to the user, as judged by us.
Unless otherwise noted or arranged, all Home Page ads, Current Story Page ads, or Discussion Area ads may be one in a series of two to three ads that are rotated in the same space. Rotation time for each ad in the series is 30 seconds each.
Top-Spot Ad - 224 px WIDE x 63 px HIGH - 6 KB MAX
$50 per ad, per week, on Home page or Current Story page.
- $25 per ad, per week. on any general page.
- $10 per ad, per week, for placement on one additional general page.
- Displayed in the middle of the upper right navigation bar.
- Available on all pages except Discussion area.
- Highest visiblity.
Stage-Left Ad - 100 px WIDE x 75 px HIGH - 3 KB MAX
$25 per ad, per week, on Home page or Current Story page.
- $15 per ad, per week. on any general page.
- $5 per ad, per week, for placement on one additional general page.
- Displayed in the left side pink table.
- Available on all pages except Discussion area.
Hot-Topic Ad - 385 px WIDE x 60 px HIGH - 9 KB MAX
- $50 per ad, per week.
- Displayed on top of the opening page of the Discussion area.
- Very high visiblity on our second-most-visited page.
- High percentage of repeat visitors for multiple views of your ad.
Ad Design: 
Our web designer is available to assist you with your ad. If you have an idea about what you would like but need help making it web-ready, drop us a line. Our designer is able to turn any of your logos or company images into eye-catching ad banners, with or without animation. The Top-Spot ad and the Stage-Left ad can be designed for only $25. The Hot-Topic ad can be designed for $30. Making any of the ads animated is only an additinal $5 per frame. These rates assume you are providing us with your company logo or artwork in advance, either as an existing TIF, GIF or JPG file, or as camera-ready artwork on paper that we can properly scan. We may use existing clipart in creating your ad, or we can create custom artwork for an additional $45.
The Gay People's Chronicle Online Edition is posted every Friday by 10:00 AM Eastern time.The banner ad deadline for space reservation and file submission is the Tuesday prior to the Friday issue that you would like your ad to appear in. Issues coming out on or around a holiday may have a different deadline. Please call your sales rep for any deadline changes. If the Chronicle has not received your advertisement or information to design/change your ad on or before the specified ad deadline, your ad will not appear. If you have reserved advertising space and have not submitted an ad or materials by the specified deadline dates, your ad will not appear and you will be charged 50% of your reserved ad space as a cancellation charge. See Cancellation. Advertisers who are under contract, and utilize the Chronicle's automatic reservation system, must supply new ads or materials when they want the ad to change. Failure to supply new ads or materials before deadline indicates that advertiser wants the Chronicle to re-run the last published ad on file.
Resource Directory Listings:
The Chronicle has a directory of community resources online at all times. A one-line listing is free, for the duration of your contract, when you place a banner ad for a minimum of twelve issues. If you choose not to advertise and would like a resource directory listing, you may purchase two lines for $50 per month (four issues).
Businesses and community groups with their own website may be able to take advantage of our reciprocal link program. In exchange for a visible link to the Chronicle on your website, we will include a one line link to your website in our resource directory listings. The link will be made with your business or group name only. Additional address or phone information can be included in your listing for $25 per month, per line. Reciprocal links will be verified from time to time to ensure they still exist.
Frequency Discounts:
All frequency discounts must be accompanied by a signed contract or signed as a phone order by your sales representative. Frequency discounts are based on a total number of insertions run within a six (6) month period. Spreads count as two (2) insertions when computing discounts. Advertising placed at frequency discount rates and not earned will be re-billed at the earned rate.
Cancellation of Ads:
Cancellations received after the closing date will be charged 50% of the original insertion fee(s). New advertisers that reserve space and fail to submit an ad, or material to design an ad, on or before the deadline date will be billed 50% of the original insertion as a cancellation fee. The Gay People's Chronicle will assume that current advertisers under contract and using automatic reservation services will be re-running their last published ad unless otherwise notified on or before deadline of any changes.
Payment Policies:
Advertiser agrees to be responsible for all payments for advertising including, but not limited to ad cost, design fees, resize fees, late fees and cancellation fees. All costs of collection may be added to balance due.
Advertisers are required to pay for their first ad and any production fees up front and may be billed, for future insertions, upon credit approval*. Payment is due upon receipt. Payments not received within 15 days are subject to a 1.5% service charge and will automatically be charged to your account. Payments may be made with cash, check, money orders or Visa and Mastercard. Please make checks and money orders payable to Gay People's Chronicle, or GPC, and mail to PO Box 5426, Cleveland, OH 44101. Please do not mail cash. Subsequent ads will not be placed if there is an outstanding balance on account.
Returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 fee, and will automatically revoke all credit agreements. We reserve the right to require payment in advance of publication by certified check or money order.
*All 900 number advertisers must pre-pay for all ads! No Exceptions. 
Visa/Mastercard Payments: 
Credit card numbers will be kept on file for all display advertisers. Advertiser agrees that The Gay People's Chronicle may, automatically, debit customer charge card account for the amount of any past due balance for advertising. Outstanding charges will be debited to a customer's charge card account no less than 16 days after publication of ad. Customer also agrees that the Gay People's Chronicle may debit customer charge account in the event customer defaults on advertising contract.
The Gay People's Chronicle will grant a 5% discount of the space price of all pre-paid contracts of twelve (12) times or more. 
Terms & Conditions:
The Gay People's Chronicle reserves the right to reject, modify or recreate ads of poor visual quality, or that do not meet the aesthetic standards of the newspaper, and to bill for any graphic services required to do so. This includes ads that must be trimmed, bordered, or re-sized. The Gay People's Chronicle reserves the right to reject, alter, or request changes on advertising that we have reason to believe would offend our readers.
Advertisements are accepted only under the condition that the advertisers assume all liability and responsibility for any legal claims resulting from advertisements being printed or not printed. The Gay People's Chronicle accepts no liability for its failure, for any cause, to publish an advertisement.
Liability for any Chronicle error appearing in an advertisement is limited to the cost of the space actually occupied. No allowance, however, will be granted for an error that does not materially affect the value of the advertisement. To qualify for an adjustment, any error must be reported within ten (10) days of publication. Credit is limited to the first ad insertion containing an error.
Advertising rates may be obtained by calling David at 216-631-8646 or by sending an e-mail to displayads@chronohio.com. We can handle your questions over the phone, by fax, by mail or electronically via a PDF file.
Advertising Department:
216.631.8646 or 800.426.5947
P.O. Box 5426
Cleveland, Ohio 44101
Thank you for your interest in advertising with us. If any questions you have were not answered by the information on this page, please contact us at 216-631-8646. We will be happy to personally help you.