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To include your Ohio LGBT event, send the date, time, location, website and contact phone to Calendars@ChronOhio.com. Compiled by Anthony Glassman Friday, June 12 Long-Term HIV/AIDS Survivors Group, held every other Friday, Cleveland LGBT Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, Cleveland; 216-6515428 ext. 17. Friday to Sunday, June 12 to 14 Cleveland GIFT, 27th annual Gay/Lesbian Invitational Fellowship Tournament, registration begins 7 pm on Fri at Cleveland Airport Marriott, 4277 West 150th St, bowling on Sat and Sun at Freeway Lanes, 12859 Brookpark Rd, Parma (Cleveland); www.clevelandgift.org, 216-2155246. Saturday, June 13 Springfield Pride, inaugural LGBT Pride festival, hosted by Miss Gay Cincinnati 2015 Amanda Sue, musical guests Karen Adkins, T.C. Schreier, the Columbus Gay Men�s Chorus and the Dayton Gay Men�s Chorus, 12 noon, Springfield City Hall Plaza, Fountain and High Streets, Springfield; www.equality-springfield.org. 27th Annual GIFT Cruise, 2�-hour Lake Erie cruise aboard the Goodtime III, boarding 7 pm, tickets $25 advance, $30 dock, benefits Cleveland LGBT Center, Malachi House and AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, East 9th St at Lake Erie, Cleveland; www.clevelandgift.org, 216-2155246. Monday, June 15 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Friday to Sunday, June 19 to 21 Columbus Pride, three days of celebration honoring LGBT Pride, festival Friday and Saturday at Goodale Park, 120 West Goodale St, Sunday Pride Brunch, Columbus; www.columbuspride.org. Sunday, June 21 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Monday, June 22 Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star, to be discussed at the Ten Percent Book Club, 7 pm, Lakewood Main Library, 15425 Detroit Ave, Lakewood (Cleveland); leesand90@gmail.com. Wednesday, June 24 Body Electric Informational Seminar, session to learn about the upcoming Celebrating the Body Erotic workshops presented by the Body Electric School, 6 pm, Cleveland LGBT Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, Cleveland; cleveland@b-e-school.com, 440-6066390. Friday, June 26 Long-Term HIV/AIDS Survivors Group, held every other Friday, Cleveland LGBT Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, Cleveland; 216-6515428 ext. 17. A Hot Time in Cleveland, womyn�s dance party presented by Oven Productions, music by DJ Zoe Renee Lapin, cash bar, sober support, donation at the door, 8 pm, Bevy, 12112 Madison Ave, Lakewood (Cleveland); 216-3750780. Saturday, June 27 Cleveland Pride, 27th annual parade, rally and festival, parade step-off at noon, festival noon until 8 pm at Voinovich Park, suggested donation $10-$20 at the gate, East 9th Street at Lake Erie, Cleveland; 216-2260004, www.clevelandpride.org. Cincinnati Pride, parade and festival, Sawyer Point, Cincinnati; www.cincinnatipride.org. Sunday, June 28 Church Doesn�t Have to Be A Drag, Pride Sunday service, 10:15 am, West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd, Rocky River (Cleveland); www.wsuuc.org. Debra L. Dunkle Celebration of Life, honoring the memory of counselor D.L. Dunkle, who passed away May 4, reception with light refreshments follows, 3 pm, Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, 23737 Fairmount Blvd, Beachwood (Cleveland); RSVP to hirshbd@hughes.net, indicate whether you would like to speak. Saturday, July 11 Guerrilla Gay Beach, one-day takeover of a beach on Lake Erie, look for the rainbow unicorn, 12 noon, Edgewater Beach, lower end of Edgewater Park, Cleveland; www.facebook.com/events/556994687776520, 617-960-6857. Sunday, July 19 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Tuesday, July 21 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Monday, July 27 The Swimming Pool Library by Alan Hollinghurst, to be discussed at the Ten Percent Book Club, 7 pm, Lakewood Main Library, 15425 Detroit Ave, Lakewood (Cleveland); leesand90@gmail.com. Sunday, August 16 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Wednesday, August 19 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Monday, August 24 Fire Year by Jason Friedman, to be discussed at the Ten Percent Book Club, 7 pm, Lakewood Main Library, 15425 Detroit Ave, Lakewood (Cleveland); leesand90@gmail.com. Friday to Sunday, August 28 to 30 Toledo Pride, beginning with Nite Glo 5K walk and run and the KISS �n� Drag party in Promenade Park on Friday, parade and festival on Saturday, family-friendly Sunday Funday on Sunday, Promenade Park, Water Street, Toledo; www.toledopride.com. Thursday, September 17 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Sunday, September 20 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Monday, September 28 Necessary Errors by Caleb Crain, to be discussed at the Ten Percent Book Club, 7 pm, Lakewood Main Library, 15425 Detroit Ave, Lakewood (Cleveland); leesand90@gmail.com. Saturday and Sunday, October 10 and 11 Celebrating the Body Erotic, introductory course presented by the Body Electric School, breathwork, meditation and erotic touch workshop for men, $595, downtown Cleveland location; www.thebodyelectricschool.com. Sunday, October 18 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Monday, October 19 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Sunday, November 15 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Tuesday, November 17 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Monday, December 14 Insight, monthly dinner meeting of Cleveland LGBT social, personal and business networking organization; 216-2009569 for info and reservation. Sunday, December 20 Prime Timers Cleveland, social group for gay and bisexual mature men and their friends, dinner meetings held at area restaurants or members� homes, 4 pm, Cleveland; 216-2339146, www.ptcleveland.org. Tuesday to Sunday, Feb. 9 to 21, 2016 If/Then, Broadway musical about a woman returning to New York to start over, and how her two queer friends put her on alternate paths to happiness, part of the KeyBank Broadway Series at Playhouse Square; www.playhousesquare.org, 216-6408800. --Compiled by Anthony Glassman This material is copyrighted by the Gay People�s Chronicle. Reproduction is prohibited without specific written permission.