November 9, 2001
1. Three Gay men and a woman win office in three Ohio cities
2. Voters strongly back rights and benefits
3. Anti-marriage bill might be halted in Senate
4. Activists honored, endowment begun at Stonewall birthday bash
5. Skeeter Hunt takes the top post at David�s House
6. News Briefs

November 2, 2001
1. �Defense of marriage� passes Ohio House
2. Longtime activist seeks suburban council seat
3. McDonald�s must pay man $5 million for AIDS bias
4. Drag sentence is criticized by community leaders
5. �A mom with an opinion and a story'
6. School board candidate criticized for �gay agenda� letter
7. Sailor in Ohio navy to find out: Will Taft let him stay?
8. Woman, demoted for dating co-worker, sues chain
9. News Briefs
10. Evenings Out

October 26, 2001
1. Rights ordinance haunts mayor race
2. Montreal, not Cleveland, will be site of gay and lesbian chorus festival
3. Campbell joins five council candidates at Cleveland forum
4.Court denies child to gay couple, says they had no surrogate agreement
5. News Briefs
6. L.I.E.

October 19, 2001
1. Governor signs California partner rights into law
2. Ohio marriage ban opponents pack Statehouse hearing
3. Council member sets off a flap with his opt-out e-mail
4. Navy criticized for slur on bomb; AP for pulling photo
5. Judge reverses suspension of transgendered firefighter
6. School backtracks, allows same-sex date at dance
7. News Briefs
8. Working for world peace is the best source of security, says Holly Near

October 12, 2001
1. Procter & Gamble announces partner benefits at workplace summits
2. Kolbe honors September 11 dead at Log Cabin dinner
3. Both Campbell and Pierce support partner benefits
4. Akron council candidates say they support equal rights law
5. Maryland civil rights law may avoid a referendum
6. Man found guilty in toilet-cam case; he will appeal
7. �Gay� isn�t descriptive enough, says filmmaker John Waters
8. News Briefs
9. Dan Bucatinsky on producing All Over the Guy

September 28, 2001
1. 12th Cincinnati AIDS Walk has sunny skies, sobering message
2. Attacks don�t keep crowds from Cleveland AIDS Walk
3. No lines for the rides at Kings Island Pride Night
4. One man challenges police videotaping in restroom
5. Cleveland mayor candidates speak on AIDS issues
6. Without fanfare, gay man takes Romanian envoy post
7. Services enact temporary halts on 'Don't ask, don't tell' discharges
8. News Briefs
9. Evenings Out

September 21, 2001
1. Remembering our own
2. Police videotape every man using east Ohio public restroom
3. Court overturns Ohio�s same-sex proposition ban
4. Falwell: Gays, ACLU helped make terror attacks happen
5. Pentagon temporarily halts �don�t ask, don�t tell�
6. �Survivor� honors lost friend with AIDS Walk appearance

September 14, 2001
1. Gay New York in shock after World Trade Center terror
2. Thirteen is a lucky number for the Ohio Lesbian Festival
3. Fewer walkers, but Tri-County AIDS walk raises more money
4. Two gay candidates advance in primary election
5. Man accused in Glenn Brown stabbing drowns
6. Jury splits in Kent State restaurant assault case
7. LGBT labor group featured at Jobs with Justice confab
8. College has financial aid for students coming out
9. News Briefs
10. Finding love in a forgotten hometown

September 7, 2001
1. University Hospitals to offer domestic partner plans
2. 26-way race for council includes one gay man
3. Cincinnati suburb to consider gay civil rights measure
4. Federal judge upholds Florida lesbian-gay adoption ban
5. Special master will decide if Maryland will vote on rights
6. News Briefs

August 31, 2001
1. Scout gay ban protested in two cities
2. Cincinnati schools add gays to conduct code
3. Union Station hit in closing-time robbery
4. New date and rainstorms lower picnic attendance
5. Drag in the pool, wig and all, raises $3,600 for swimmers
6. Petition to repeal 3-year-old rights law is challenged
7. News Briefs

August 24, 2001
1. U.S. census: We really are everywhere
2. Cleveland is in the running for 2004 world chorus fest
3. Final J.R. Warren killer gets 20 years
4. Denial of TG name change is appealed to Ohio high court
5. Anti-Hand letter violated law, election panel rules
6. News Briefs

August 17, 2001
1. School board looks at adding gays to code
2. Spingola faces new charges for gas splash
3. First American same-sex couple weds in Netherlands
4. Slain transgender teen honored at Goodale Park vigil
5. Founder shares history with Ohio Prime Timers
6. Redfield voted co-chair of national GLBT federation
7. News Briefs

August 10, 2001
1. Panel to study Ohio 'faith-based' funding
2. Weekend moves �toward a community agenda�
3. Senate panel approves hate crime bill; DeWine�s �yea� riles anti-gays
4. Home violence numbers are up but incidents may not be, groups say
5. Taskforce warns of party drug harm after two overdoses at Dancin�
6. Use uniformed patrol, not park sex stings, cops told
7. Brown may run for governor, he tells Stonewall Democrats
8. News Briefs
9. Evenings Out - The techno without the circuit.

August 3, 2001
1. Dancin� in the Amphitheater
2. ENDA reintroduced, Lawmakers consider anti-gay discrimination bill for the fifth time
3. Bush moves to soften �faith based� opposition
4. Rights confab denounce Cincinnati�s anti-gay amendment
5. Being openly gay has been positive for Escobar
6. News Briefs
7. Evenings Out - Nico and Dani

July 27, 2001
1. A second gay man seeks at-large council seat
2. �Faith-based� bill passes with rights dodge intact
3. Fired lesbian�s suit against child agency is dismissed
4. Backstreet Caf� shooter gets four life sentences
5. One of J.R. Warren�s killers pleads guilty, gets 15 to life
6. Maryland equal rights law will be put to a vote in 2002
7. News Briefs
8. Evenings Out

July 20, 2001
1. �Faith-based� discrimination House bill would exempt religious charities from local gay equal rights laws
2. Two more gay men seek seats on Toledo council
3. A sunny day in the garden raises $50,000 for center
4. Stonewall Cincinnati to drop their only full-time staffer
5. Special election may send another lesbian to Congress
6. News Briefs
7. The Michigan Womyn�s Music Festival is coming in August

July 13, 2001
1. Bush would let groups ignore rights laws
2. 1990 census changed the sex of partners who checked �spouse�
3. Council forces group to drop out of Issue 3 study
4. Group seeks Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage
5. NEA drops gay resolution in favor of February action
6. Ohio Methodists call for church to look at gay doctrine
7. O.U. gay fraternity may be first to join campus council
8. News Briefs
9. Cool viewing for hot summer nights

July 6, 2001
1. Gays can�t be changed, says surgeon general
2. Ohio�s gay proposition ban is challenged a second time
3. Man, raped in jail, sues sheriff for ignoring it
4. United Nations debates lesbian and gay issues for the first time
5. Maryland�s new equal rights law is headed for the ballot
6. General Electric job bias case heads to appeals court
7. News Briefs
8. Evenings Out

June 29, 2001
1. Thousands join 20 marshals marking 20 years of Pride
2. Ohio same-sex households quadruple in 2000 census
3. Preacher charged for burning another rainbow flag
4. A third gay hat is tossed into Cleveland council race
5. Phobe pitcher Rocker is now playing for the Tribe
6. Bernhard no-show doesn't mar Stonewall dinner
7. A human red ribbon
8. June sees changes for three Ohio gathering spots
9. Evenings Out
A photographer follows the maturation of one model

June 22, 2001
1. Sunny skies, candidates greet Cleveland Pride
2. Performers, politicos join in Dayton Pride events
3. Politics said to keep city HIV money from gays
4. HIV is rising among young gay and bisexual men
5. Senate Scout measures were more for show than effect
6. GLSEN chapter founder Judy Mongomery bids farewell
7. News Briefs
8. Lucie Blue Tremblay says she will sing until she is 90

June 15, 2001
1. Second gay man runs for Cleveland council
2. Cincinnati Pride is twice as big in second year of return
3. Protesters gather at Pride weekend �ex-gay� confab
4. Gay military discharges up in 2000, says Pentagon
5. Council, Nationwide honored at HRC dinner
6. News Briefs
7. �Queer as Folk �co-star plays gay in a most effective way

June 8, 2001
2. Bush will not designate June as Pride Month
3. Cincinnati prepares for a week of Pride festivities
4. Decked Out dinner-dance promises fun on the water
5. Judy Tenuta, Ultra Nat� headline Cleveland Pride festival
6. Rack �em and crack �em in eight-ball pool tournament
7. Dayton expo, dinner and fair is �too much to keep inside�
8. Neon Movies has a month-long GLBT film festival
9. Columbus Pride Holiday celebrates two decades
10. First Lollapalooza, then Lilith�

June 1, 2001
1. Scouts usher troop out of
gay-friendly church
2. New director Lorri Jean seeks to revitalize the NGLTF
3. Cincinnati prepares for a week of Pride festivities
4. Commission ignores gender issue, suspends firefighter
5. News Briefs
6. A celluloid cornucopia

May 25, 2001
1. Maryland governor signs gay equal rights bill. Opponents are collecting signatures for a repeal
2. 150 lobby Congress on gender equality
3. Helms measure would cut funds for schools that limit Scouts
4. Phone book won�t publish after collecting ad money
5. Many facets of identity can propel activism, poet says
6. News Briefs
7. Evenings Out: Can a diva turn lead into gold? Maria Callas and an alchemy scam cap the Cleveland theater season

May 18, 2001
1. Suit may strengthen TG worker rights
2. Rockers won�t join other WNBA teams with lesbian outreach
3. With warm weather, park cruising arrests return
4. Kansas court says TG marriage is valid, not �same-sex�
5. News Briefs
6. Evenings Out: School drug ring is Motor City sleuth�s latest puzzle

May 11, 2001
1. Tristan Hand defeated in Warren council primary
2. 3,000 tour Columbus to raise money for AIDS services
3. Summit County job bias rule passes unanimously
4. Service providers gather to discuss HIV housing needs
5. �We are at a watershed moment,� Birch tells HRC dinner
6. Pride, Stonewall, and Wall Street top �Outie� awards
7. Tobacco giant targeted gays with �Project SCUM�
8. Survey to test voter attitudes toward repeal of Issue 3
9. Police aren�t buying �gay panic� motive for beating
10. News Briefs
11. Evenings Out: Michelle Malone

May 4, 2001
1. Ohio House considers �super� marriage ban
2. High court asked to review Ohio�s gay-only proposition ban
3. Summit job bias measure has unanimous support
4. Neither right nor left now controls the capital, Birch says
5. Students rally for bashed man, hate crime law
6. News Briefs
7. Evenings Out: Anne E. DeChant

April 27, 2001
1. CATF names Sue Crumpton as new executive director
2. NGLTF head Elizabeth Toledo to step down
3. How �friendly� is northeast Ohio? It�s a mixed bag
4. Sheriff found liable for murder of Brandon Teena
5. Restaurant attack leads to rally for hate crime law
6. Will dispute says marriage to TG husband is invalid
7. News Briefs
8. Evenings Out: Sideshow

April 20, 2001
1. Gay man seeks city council seat in Warren
2. Group vows to fight Ohio marriage ban
3. Yelling �Pervert,� men smash up Akron home with bricks
4. Hate crime down slightly in Columbus, but more violent
5. Parents protest gay story in high school newspaper
6. Report shows increased risk of cancer for lesbians
7. Homophobes invited to �faith-based� House summit
8. News Briefs
9. Evenings Out: Blow Dry

April 13, 2001
1. Bush names gay man to head AIDS office
2. Two suspects charged in murders of two gay men
3. Students at two universities keep silent to support gays
4. Ohio marriage ban bill to be introduced in late April
5. Record $3.3 million HIV grant is marked for housing
6. Nation�s first gay athletic director awaits GLAAD awards
7. News Briefs
8. Eve Out: Wexner festival features wide variety of GBLT films

April 6, 2001
1. Another Ohio marriage ban is proposed
2. World first: Dutch lesbians and gay men legally marry
3. Court dismisses GE gay bias case
4. King Ave. Church receives $600,000 for LGBT programs
5. Maryland is set to become 12th state with rights law
6. Equal rights bills advance in two state houses
7. News Briefs
8. Evenings Out

March 30, 2001
1. Judge: Religion doesn�t trump Louisville equality law
2. Detectives seek leads in man�s beating death
3. Students band together to find acceptance in high school
4. News Briefs
5. Kate Clinton

March 23, 2001
1. Paris becomes world�s first major city with a gay mayor
2. Kentucky town repeals fairness ordinance
3. Maryland anti-bias bill likely to pass after panel�s okay
4. News Briefs

March 16, 2001
1. Issue 3 backer named to state civil rights panel
2. Michael Belcher acquitted in stabbing death of Glenn Brown by Anthony Glassman
3. State board deletes �sexual orientation� from ethics code
4. Judge hears case of TG girl removed from parents� home
5. News Briefs

March 9, 2001
1. Hate bill�s foes decry imagined gay benefit
2. Drug maker shunned by AIDS service groups
3. Second trial begins for hustler who stabbed man to death
4. �Bush gay advisor� turns out to be one-man hoax
5. Oops: Marriage ban bill almost outlawed gay sex
6. Lawyer seeks to add straight man to sodomy challenge
7. News Briefs

March 2, 2001
1. Appeals court rejects shared parenthood
2. TG woman must keep man�s name, judge says
3. McMahon receives the first Mr. Cleveland Leather crown
4. Seven hundred enjoy �sexy, fun� Variety Show and party
5. Kentucky considers expanding, or canceling, rights laws
6. News Briefs

February 23, 2001
1. Courts refuse couple the same last name
2. Activist severely beaten in anti-gay attack
3. Dinner and show raise
4. Court strikes down school anti-harassment policy
5. Dog-maul victim�s partner may test spouse rights law
6. Vermont considers �no promo homo� and DOMA
7. Texas panel passes hate crime bill that Bush opposed
8. News Briefs

February 16, 2001
2. Five states are considering civil union or marriage bills
3. Protests, resolution mark National Freedom to Marry Day
4. Gays are third most likely hate crime target, FBI says
5. White House AIDS office is out, then back in
6. News Briefs
Evenings Out - A far-reaching look at the conflict between black identity and gay identity

February 9, 2001
1. Ohio United Ways will keep funding Scouts
2. Bucyrus man is town�s first gay candidate
3. Drive-by incident leaves coffee shop owner worried
4. Movement has shifted to the states, Dem leader says
5. Study finds thirty percent of young, black gay men are positive
6. News Briefs

February 2, 2001
1.Tremont resident is first gay man to run for Cleveland council
2. �Laura� show moves to midnight; gay spot shelved
3. Police can�t stop needle exchanges, court rules
4. OSU awareness week focuses on transgender lives
5. Asians and Friends celebrate the Year of the Snake
6. Center report analyzes health needs in Cleveland
7. News Briefs

January 26, 2001
1. GLBT groups join thousands in protesting inauguration
2. Counterfeit AIDS drug in Ohio, FDA warns
3. Hate Crime in Marion
4. Dramatically higher rates of HIV hit men of color
5. Kentucky bill would legalize gay panic defense
6. News Briefs

January 19, 2001
1. John Ashcroft faces nomination hearings while protests continue
2. Akron Center celebrates second anniversary
3. Where do we go from here...
4. Army stops attempts to discharge Steve May
5. Wiseman calling it quits
6. Co-founder of military watchdog resigns
7. Toronto performs first legal lesbian-gay weddings
8. News Briefs
9. Evenings Out

January 12, 2001
1. Civil rights groups rally to halt Ashcroft nomination
2. GE lawsuit brings bad things to light
3. AIDS Taskforce/Housing Council merger complete
4. LGBT groups stage historic protest at Vatican
5. Movie about Shepard kicks off MTV hate crimes work
6. News Briefs

January 5, 2001
1. Cincinnati airs lesbian-gay positive TV commercial
2. Leather club, Wal-Mart and Pepsi work together for HIV fundraiser
3. Year 2000: news in review
4. Stonewall Democrats to hold convention in Cleveland
5. Activists call for a national Winn-Dixie boycott
6. News Briefs