most recent issues are listed first
ONLINE ISSUES DATED FROM YEAR | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
December 30, 2005
1. The dragon awakens
2. A roller coaster year
3. Miami University: No standing for suit against partner benefits
4. Much more than a 'gay cowboy movie'
December 23, 2005
1. The Pentagon is spying on 'dont ask' protesters
2. Another appeals court says ban doesn't change DV law
3. New immigration bill is bad for bi-national couples
December 16, 2005
1. Man jailed for breaking a nonexistent law is cleared
2. Ford reaffirms bond with LGBT community after meeting with leaders
3. Ban doesn't affect domestic violence law, says appeals court
4. LGBT groups, Black Caucus oppose Alito confirmation
5. Naughty or Nice
December 9, 2005
1. High court reviews campus recruiting law
2. Ford cuts LGBT ads after meeting with anti-gay group
3. Marriage ban is against U.S. constitution, judge rules
4. Civil partnerships begin in the United Kingdom
5. IRS asked to investigate anti-gay group's tax status
December 2, 2005
1. Flip-flop on benefits
2. Cleveland center celebrates 30 years with a new name
3. DeWine will vote for U.S. ban amendment
4. Marriage battles are jeopardizing partner unions
5. Ban amendment doesn't affect custody, court is told
6. Vigils, memorials honor victims of anti-TG violence
7. Vatican releases rule barring gay men from seminaries
8. A little salty instead of sweet
November 25, 2005
1. Against the odds
2. New Medicare rules bring trouble for HIV+ people
3. Taskforce to honor six with Voices Against the Silence awards
4. 20 honored for their roles in 20 years of AIDS service
5. David's House continues after selling its building
6. LifeCare merger enhanced Open Hand's client services
7. New FDA condom labels wont overstate failures
November 18, 2005
1. Gay teen killed in late-night shooting
2. 'We've only just begun, ' Hudson tells Stonewall gala
3. Four churches leave Ohio diocese over N.H. gay bishop
4. Changes to bully bill don't include targeted groups
5. Reclaim the moral high ground, LGBT conference is told
6. A good story that could have been better.
November 11, 2005
1. Five win local offices, setting an Ohio record
2. Third time's the charm: Maine voters keep equal rights law
3. Top court allows ruling for Cincinnati TG cop to stand
4. Columbus considers adding TGs to non-bias ordinances
5. Final man pleads guilty to beating Daniel Fetty to death
6. Ohio Splash to host state masters championship
7. St. Jingle
November 4, 2005
1. CCV challenged on money switcheroo
2. Alito is seen as likely to roll back LGBT rights
3. Man says he was insulted by family agency, then jailed
4. Caravans to end AIDS make several Ohio stops
5. Show me what you want
October 28, 2005
1. Prentiss quits board that won't protect lesbians and gays
2. Kansas court strikes harsher penalty for teen gay sex
3. Senate panel considers U.S. ban amendment, again
4. City council campaigns enter their final weeks
5. In Odd Blood
October 21, 2005
1. 'Moral reformation' group sets its sights on Ohio
2. Erie celebrates Pride with a fall march and rally
3. Gays embraced, then excluded from Millions More event
4. Light as Ayre
October 14, 2005
1. Tumeo says he isn't running against Hicks
2. Panel holds bullying bill for more work, after a hearing
3. Second man pleads guilty in Waverly beating death
4. Iran's gays, fearing a pogrom, reach out to U.S. for help
5. Youth support broadens as people come out earlier
6. High Tide, Rock Bottom closes after 32 years
7. Campaign will increase black LGBT visibility and influence
8. Better then ever
October 7, 2005
1. A gay agenda for Ohio
2. AIDS Walk does well at new day and location
3. LGBT groups are wary of Miers
4. Antonio is third in primary, moves to general election
5. Challenge Democrats also on LGBT rights, says Springer
6. 'The Dish' raises $32,000 for Project Open Hand
7. Couples tie the knot as civil union law takes effect
8. Universities lead the way with Coming Out Day events
9. Savage Truth
September 30, 2005
1. Police warn: Fugitive may prey on gay men
2. Roundtable brings a new religious voice to Ohio
3. Jailed under voided sex law, man has appeal hearing
4. Gay and lesbian candidates face primaries Tuesday
5. Second jailed Central State student pleads no contest
6. Courts across Ohio wrestle with the ban amendment
7. Ohio group rescues dogs and cats trapped by Katrina
8. Heaven on wheels
September 23, 2005
1. Roberts is mum on Texas sodomy ruling
2. Red Ribbon Walk exceeds its goal with $130,000
3. Hate crime act passes House, but with a troubling bill
4. State gets a new keynoter for 'abstinence' conference
5. Panel considers anti-bully bill that names no groups
6. Fewer challenge papers in a calmer library meeting
7. Red Hen brings tale of love in Nazi Germany to the boards
September 16, 2005
1. Seven mayoral candidates speak on LGBT issues
2. Starry night raises $20,000 for David's House
3. Lacey makes a second run for Dayton school board
4. Schulz clears primary but Meinecke is out
5. Health department drops Gallagher from program
6. Marriage bill delayed to avoid governor's veto
7. Caddy gets six years for the death of his visitor
8. Talkin' 'bout my g-g-generation
September 9, 2005
1. California lawmakers are first to pass gay marriage
2. LGBT groups work to help Katrina survivors
3. Kettering parade protest boosts Diversity Dayton
4. Judge ends street preacher's suit against Stonewall
5. Group shows support for Upper Arlington library board
6. Stonewall Democrat runs for Ohio secretary of state
7. Two Toledo candidates gear up for next week's primary
8. Hilarious but twisted view of family life
September 2, 2005
1. Glad to be back on the street
2. Anti-gay speaker to keynote state seminar
3. Jennings gets 25 to life for Brazon's murder
4. Police, firefighter unions give nod to Hudson
5. Library board votes 6-0 to keep free gay publications
6. Caddy pleads guilty in death of man found in basement
7. Cleveland, Columbus shows go on for 'kill gays' singer
8. Six Feet Under, not dead yet
August 26, 2005
1. Group told they are too 'political' for parade
2. Prosecution begins in Brazon murder trial
3. Blood donation ban puts the Red Cross in a hot spot
4. An accomplished opera director produces the the works he loves, with a twist
August 19, 2005
1. Michigan festival, in its 30th year, is like a reunion
2. Plea deal lets gay Central State student out of jail
3. Barney Frank is feted by past and present colleagues
4. Ohio is central to gay Dems' 2006 plan, leader says
5. 'Justice Sunday' includes attacks on GLBT people
6. A strange, daffy, two-man British invasion is coming
August 12, 2005
1. A second gay man seeks a Toledo council seat
2. Ninth year is a new beginning for Black, Gay and Proud Celebration
3. Ohio Splash returns from Atlanta with gold
4. Jennings set to go on trial for the murder of Brazon
5. Roberts' help on 'Romer' doesnt ease concerns
6. Petition approval can't be challenged, court rules
7. He never takes his role in 'Phantom' for granted
August 5, 2005
1. Black Gay and Proud kicks off with an awards ceremony
2. New statewide group debuts
3. University won't say why gay student is still in jail
4. MCC founder Rev Troy Perry steps down as moderator
5. Ismael Merchant leaves a legacy of classic cinema
July 29, 2005
1. United Way board OKs plan to keep funding Boy Scouts
2. AIDS Taskforce moves into airy new quarters
3. Worries about its goal lead groups to drop prayer event
4. Historic 540 Club to be razed after June fire
5. U.S. can't recognize Canadian gay marriages, says judge
July 22, 2005
1. Groups prepare for John Roberts' Supreme Court confirmation
2. Sixteen is a sweet year for Cleveland center's Garden Party
3. Gay papers aren't obscene, can remain in library for now
4. Appeals court upholds Cleveland Heights partner registry
5. United Way makes a new deal with the Boy Scouts
6. Columbus Stompers bring home dance competition prize
7. Canada becomes the fourth nation with same-sex marriage
8. Ohio AIDS agencies call for Ryan White fund increases
9. Just the music, without the schtick
July 15, 2005
1. Gay man seeks Cleveland Heights council seat
2. Pro-gay marriage amendment focuses on religious freedom
3. Residents pack library meeting to support gay papers
4. Manager with HIV gets $490,000 in McDonald's bias case
5. Eleven men arrested in park sex sting at Buck Creek
6. Nine is the magic number for Black, Gay, and Proud
July 8, 2005
1. United Church of Christ endorses marriage equality
2. Jury gets case accusing McDonald's of HIV bias
3. Ready for the future, GLSEN Cleveland celebrates ten years
4. As Justice O'Connor steps down, what does future hold?
5. Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
July 1, 2005
1. Heat of the day adds to heat of the spirit at Columbus Pride
2. Play ball!
3. Reality TV show is filmed at the Pride Erie Picnic
4. 'Ex-gay' group is ignored at national PTA convention
5. Dancin' in the Streets is back, and back in the streets, too
6. Canada will extend same-sex marriage nationwide
7. 540 Club, Canton's oldest gay bar, is destroyed in fire
8. Two gay papers challenged in Upper Arlington library
9. Days of women and song
10. A grown-up comedy about an unusual family dilemma
June 24, 2005
1. Cleveland Pride breaks all records
2. Dayton takes a stand at Pride parade and festival
3. Memphis teen's blog sparks protests of 'ex-gay' program
4. McDonald's returns to court for firing a man with HIV
5. Democrats say they will try to add gays to Ohio bullying bill
6. Two Central State students are jailed after halting gay skit
June 17, 2005
1. Cincinnati Pride has a lot to celebrate
2. Events present a different way to do Pride
3. Sixth Circuit to decide if 1964 rights act covers anti-gay harassment
4. Forum makes an early strike at meth in Ohio
5. New charge and trial date set for man with body in cellar
June 10, 2005
1. Pride kicks off with a new Cincinnati alliance
2. Including gays would hinder bully bill, its backers say
3. Guests fill the Schuster Center for the Dayton Pride Dinner
4. Ohio groups hope to head off a crystal meth epidemic
5. McDonald's hid evidence, says the man they fired for HIV
6. Chevrei Tikva to merge with Fairmount Temple
7. An Old World view
Pride Guide, June 3, 2005
1. Pride Day marks a renaissance in Cincinnati
2. Cincinnati events celebrate both Pride and election win
3. Stand out, stand proud at Dayton dinner and parade
4. The circus is coming to Cleveland Pride
5. Black, Gay and Proud expands to a full week
6. Pride Erie Picnic moves to fourth Saturday in June
7. Columbus Pride festival is high point of a full month
8. Pride Holiday brings many together for one great time
May 27, 2005
1. Ohio groups resign from AIDS Action national lobby
2. PACT Cleveland marks its 25th anniversary
3. Joe Santiago makes a second run for Ward 14 council seat
4. Anti-bullying bill names no groups as possible victims
5. Ranger didnt stop men for driving while gay, inquiry finds
6. Compromise advances the three most anti-gay judges
7. 13 years later, propaganda film still spreads its fear
May 20, 2005
1. Couples celebrate Massachusetts weddings one year later
2. Nebraska marriage ban struck down
3. Two more cities have gay and lesbian candidates
4. Library offers partner benefits, but few can get them
5. FDA is trying to scare sperm banks away from gay men
May 13, 2005
1. People of All Colors Together to honor ten long-lived groups and businesses
2. Men say park rangers stopped them for 'driving while gay'
3. Congress is beset by intolerance, says a former senator
4. Bill would tighten restrictions on adult businesses
5. Web site hook-ups put anti-gay mayor in hot water
6. Five Lesbian Brothers in Cleveland
May 6, 2005
1. Mary Jo Hudson wins primary race
2. A sunny day allows the AIDS walk to be more festive
3. Forging new strength from setbacks is recurring theme at HRC dinner
4. The search for a new Stonewall director will begin slowly
5. City refuses family pass to lesbian couple with kids
6. Supreme Court to decide if law schools can bar military recruiters
7. Gay civil rights pioneer Jack Nichols dies at 67
8. Hate crime is up slightly in Columbus, down in Cleveland
April 29, 2005
1. Kate Anderson resigns as Stonewall director
2. Advocates want Ohio anti-bullying bill to name victim groups
3. Pentagon wants to conceal sodomy law in broader code
4. Lesbian and gay candidates run in Ohio primaries Tuesday
5. Seek full welcome in church, not tolerance, forum is told
6. High school students seek to bar military recruiters
7. Judges are gaybashed in broadcast from megachurch
8. Microsoft accused of caving to right wing on equality bill
9. Columbus LGBT film festival
April 22, 2005
1. Adoption ban pushed by Statehouse lobbyists
2. New pope is Vaticans anti-gay leader
3. Another judge says ban amendment cuts DV law
4. Connecticut is set to be the second state with civil unions
5. Oregon top court nullifies 3,000 same-sex marriages
6. Domestic partner and hate crime bills pass in Maryland
7. Douglas Fordyce has his hands full these days
April 15, 2005
1. Ohioan wounded in Iraq comes out against 'don't ask'
2. School backs down, allows 'Gay Marriage' T-shirts
3. Canadian marriage bill survives, but may not see final vote
4. Bill T. Jones receives the 2005 Wexner Prize
5. GOP state senator comes out after voting against a ban amendment
6. Growing a garden under stage lights
April 8, 2005
1. Kansas ban amendment passes; more to come
2. Bill would fix home violence law to avoid Issue 1 conflict
3. As the world mourns John Paul II, some recall his anti-gay side
4. Students around Ohio will silently speak out next week
5. New coalition works to pass rights, repeal Issue 1
6. Employee religious freedom bill may harm gay workers
7. The Lives of all of us
April 1, 2005
1. Does Issue 1 limit the domestic violence law?
2. Lawmakers to alter home violence law to dodge amendment
3. Past and future is revealed at Stonewall annual gathering
4. Petro picks an anti-gay activist as his running mate
5. Kansas to vote Tuesday on marriage ban amendment
6. Woman's former partner is still girl's parent, court rules
7. Sixth Circuit upholds officer's TG discrimination award
8. An art gallery or a piece of furniture?
March 25, 2005
1. Not saying he is HIV+ gets man charged with felony
2. 'L Word' screen saver gets police officer into trouble
3. Sing Out Toledo leaves the stage
4. GOP national chair avoids question about his sexuality
5. Trial dates set in killing of Waverly deaf gay man
6. Judge rejects claims of man jailed under voided sex law
7. In this production of 'Macbeth,' gay men are king
March 18, 2005
1. Californias marriage ban is found unconstitutional
2. Issue 1 doesn't affect home violence law, judge rules
3. Petro didn't tell schools to continue benefits, but they may
4. New friend, met in a bar, forces man out of his car
5. Missing man is found dead in an abandoned house
6. Same-sex in the city
March 11, 2005
1. Out of Issue 1, a new statewide group is born
2. Yellow Springs passes anti-Issue 1 resolution
3. Petro tells state schools to keep partner benefits
4. Jackson renounces his 1992 HIV quarantine bill
5. EMILY's List leader to take the wheel as head of HRC
6. Partner registry back in court as judges hear appeal
March 4, 2005
1. Topeka voters say no to Article12-like measure
2. Village to pass resolution against the Ohio marriage
3. Silent protesters urge University of Toledo to give benefits
4. Ohio ban amendment now used in child custody case
5. OGE leader Foust departs, group is changing course
6. Bill would end military 'don't ask, don't tell' policy
February 28, 2005
1. Brazon's accused killer can now stand trial
2. After 30 years, Variety Show still brings women together
3. Station to show 'Buster' episode with two moms
4. Recordings show early Bush views on gays
February 18, 2005
1. Military recruiters protested at CSU law school
2. Judge punts on Issue 1 and home violence
3. New York issues health alert on drug-resistant HIV
4. Fair brings together committed couples
5. Celebrity owner settles with Las Vegas mall owners
6. Put back the money taken for 'abstinence' programs, say AIDS groups
7. A young man's search for love takes a path through Harlem's golden age
February 11, 2005
1. Judge rules New York's constitution guarantees the right to wed
2. Couples to seek marriage in two cities on Valentine's Day
3. Bush attacks gay marriage in his State of the Union
4. House supports anti-gay law already ruled unconstitutional
February 4, 2005
1. Many changes have come in 20 years of publishing the Gay People's Chronicle
2. LGBT equal rights bill is reintroduced in Ohio House
3. Judge to decide if Issue 1 limits domestic violence law
4. Commitment Faire includes a pact with the community
5. Bill would extend same-sex marriage to all of Canada
6. AIDS groups want Ohio to divert abstinence-only funds
7. Scouts seek to get around United Way non-bias rule
8. The touring production of Rent returns to Cincinnati
January 28, 2005
1. U.S. marriage ban amendment is back
2. Man's house burned after it was spray-painted with 'fag'
3. Issue 1 does not affect home violence law, ACLU tells court
4. Moen joins list of Ohio firms with partner benefits
5. Couple files harassment complaint against bottler
6. Lawmaker may try to stop university partner benefits
7. After initial denial, Max & Erma's will allow AIDS fundraiser
8. New opera recordings showcase a seminal gay composer
January 21, 2005
1. Issue 1 used to trump home violence charges
2. Bush does Texas two-step on U.S. ban amendment
3. More gay linguists were kicked out, group finds
4. New releases range from Rufus Wainwright to drag queens singing Abba
January 14, 2005
1. The gay agenda. National groups adopt a joint statement of purpose with eight goals.
2. Illinois to be 15th state with an equal rights law
3. The lessons of Issue 1. Ohio needs better statewide preparation for the next ballot issue, leaders say
4. Toni Broaddus takes helm of state groups federation
5. Supreme Court allows Florida adoption ban to stand
6. Can soldier's humanity keep them from colliding with each other?
January 7, 2005
1. Effort to reveal Issue 1 backers ends in starting gate
2. Equality measure may take months or years
3. Tsunami kills 36 gay activists in Sri Lanka
4. BlackOut's harvest festival yields new womens program director
5. AIDS Action is criticized for its role in inaugural party
6. Judge strikes Arkansas ban on gay foster parents
7. Obituaries 'de-gayed' the lives of Sontag and White
December 31, 2004
1. The year of marriage
2. Connubiality, coupling and just plain getting hitched led 2004
3. OGE to dissolve Issue 1 group, shift its own focus
4. Senior group may resume LGBT oral history project
5. Winners of the Prism Award for queer cinema
December 24, 2004
1. Issue 3 foes are still hiding their backers
2. Some Massachusetts companies still deny gay spouse benefits
3. No on 1 group wont be fined for credit card account mixup
4. GI kills Iraqi guardsman after having sex with him
5. Firefighter settles suit that added TGs to 1964 rights law
6. Same-sex marriage spreads to another Canadian province
7. A fun story of a 1930's diva has some unusual twists.
December 17, 2004
1. Pair may get death in gay mans murder
2. Anti-Issue 1 group reports money problems to state
3. Issue 3 campaign was the most expensive in the city
4. Canada Supreme Court paves the way for vows
5. No trading Social Security for partner benefits, HRC says
December 10, 2004
1. Rallies in six cities declare that Issue 1 will not stay
2. Park rangers lure gay men into breaking the law, former officer says
3. Minister is defrocked for being a practicing lesbian
4. �Don�t ask� is challenged under sodomy law ruling
5. Bad Education
December 3, 2004
1. Supreme Court allows Massachusetts marriage to stand
2. Schools may bar military recruiters for bias, court rules
3. Jacques leaves the helm of the Human Rights Campaign
4. Two TV networks refuse to air churchs all-welcome ad
5. Issue 3s first effect
6. Remark was a jab at Issue 1, not gays, says Petro
7. Suit says Kentucky marriage amendment cant cover two issues
8. Registry foes say city appeals to emotion in its court case
9. HIV-positive man sues clinic that refused treatment
10. TV shows report on Matthew Shepard murder is disputed
11. Events across the state mark World AIDS Day
12. Alexander
November 26, 2004
1. Think globally, act locally
2. The gay community has abandoned AIDS
3. A view to the horizon
4. The greatest moral issue
5. Zimbabwean artists to join in World AIDS Day events
6. AVOC, Caracole honor World AIDS Day as one with art
7. A day in the life
8. Kids touched by HIV get the break they need at Sunrise
9. Newspaper, five individuals receive Voices award
10. The top ten AIDS-related movies, plus one
November 19, 2004
1. More marriage ban amendments coming
2. Cleveland Heights registry may be Issue 1s first test
3. Death of Minnesota man in Dayton is ruled a homicide
4. Ohio is well represented at LGBT activists convention
5. Kinsey
November 12, 2004
1. The next step
2. Petro asked to apologize for joke about gays
3. Influence of gay marriage on Bush vote is disputed
4. New Cincinnati Pride committee elects co-chairs
5. And on the Ei8th day they rocked.
November 5, 2004
1. Article 12 is gone
2. Issue 1 passes
3. Some say gay marriage issue gave Bush the edge
4. Four gain Statehouse after DOMA-related primaries
5. As ban amendments pass, 32 candidates also win office
6. Elections panel finds no wrongdoing in Issue 1 and 3 cases
7. Watch any episode, any time.
October 29, 2004
1. The group trying to pass Issue 1 is accused of hiding the source of its money
2. Gay vs. gay House race is among this elections firsts
3. Barnyard knows better than gays, Blackwell says
4. Anti-gay hate crime didnt change last year, says FBI
5. Ohio top court denies last-ditch effort to stop Issue 1
6. Trial dates set in two deaths
7. In TV interview, Bush says he supports civil unions
8. P-FLAGs broad base helps in ban campaign, director says
9. Back when actresses were real men
October 22, 2004
1. Project Open Hand merges with LifeCare Alliance
2. How will Ohio top court candidates handle gay issues?
3. New poll shows Issue 1 in a virtual dead heat
4. Over a week later, Mary comment is still trumpeted
5. Anglican paper calls for a halt to gay bishops, vows
6. Log Cabin sues to end dont ask, dont tell
7. Devil in America
October 15, 2004
1. Cincinnati Pride will go on
2. Two charged with murder in mans beating death
3. Opposition signs appear in Issue 3 workers yards
4. Governor Taft, both senators join Issue 1 opponents
5. Votes against DOMA used against two Ohio House candidates
6. Court upholds womens shared custody agreement
7. Dozens of candidates court voters at events in two cities
8. Strings attached
October 8, 2004
1. Ohio man is beaten to death in a suspected hate crime
2. Gay marriage and Mary Cheney are topics in vice presidential debate
3. Federal Marriage Amendment loses for a second time
4. Suit against registry will wait to see if Issue 1 passes
5. A broad coalition can defeat Issue 1, town hall is told
6. The uniter brought his opponents together, Noble says
7. A wide variety of events will mark Coming Out Day
8. Murder is no pain in the neck for this undead sleuth
October 1, 2004
1. Cincinnati Pride organizers disband
2. State Issue 1 can be defeated, poll shows
3. Family makes one last try to stop Issue 1 petitions
4. Gary Bauer, Elizabeth Birch spar in debate on marriage
5. Senate Democratic caucus honored for DOMA stand
6. Playwright Eve Ensler leads V-Day voting campaign
7. Interrupted by God
September 24, 2004
1. Marriage ban will be on November ballot
2. Many marriage ban signatures are rejected
3. Prominent black church leader backs Issue 3
4. John Kerry speaks on gay issues
5. Bush campaign connected to Ohio ban amendment
6. The last summer weekend is perfect for two AIDS Walks
7. Lesbian Festival draws 800 to a sunny day of music and fun
8. Stonewall Columbus elects new president and officers
9. John Waters returns to the raunch of Pink Flamingoes for his latest film
September 17, 2004
1. Mary Jo Hudson sworn in to Columbus city council
2. Sue Doerfer named to head Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center
3. Look at Kerrys record, says top Democrat McAuliffe
4. Election result brightens Massachusetts marriage outlook
5. Holly Near, Muse and Cincinnati artists join
up for a pair of shows to get out the progressive voted
September 10, 2004
1. Mary Jo Hudson to take Columbus council seat
2. Issue 3 is back
3. Log Cabin wont endorse Bush
4. Man jailed after body is found in his basement
5. More Ohio marriage ban petitions are challenged
6. Milk, Rustin honored in new Underground Railroad center
7. Jeffrey Solomon discusses his new show about teens and teachers struggle for acceptance
September 3, 2004
1. Article 12 repeal will stay on ballot
2. Log Cabin speaks out during GOP conclave
3. Marriage ban petitions disputed in 18 counties
4. Ohioans support marriage ban amendment 56-40
5. Does DOMA weaken Ohios domestic violence law?
6. Wedding bells finally ring for heterosexual couple
7. House member wont seek re-election after being outed
8. Cipel says he wont sue McGreevey for harassment
9. Touch of Pink
August 27, 2004
1. Challenges made to marriage ban petitions
2. State health conference has anti-gay speakers
3. Cheney wont back marriage amendment, praises Mary
4. Deputies stop activist from countering petitioners
5. Petitioner draws complaints at Lake County fair
6. Ballot board accepts arguments for ban amendment
7. A queer icon celebrates the talents of her homelands songwriting legends
August 20, 2004
1. Suit may keep repeal of Article 12 off ballot
2. Political storm surrounds governor coming out
3. State board approves wording of Ohio marriage issue
4. California top court voids 4,161 marriages
5. Two films with the same producer couldn't be more different
August 13, 2004
1. Marriage ban group still seeks signatures
2. Wide range of groups come together for Black Unity Celebration
3. Landmark TG rights ruling to stand, appeals court says
4. HRC now supports adding TGs to federal rights bill
5. Ohio shows cancelled over singers kill gays lyrics
6. The National Gay and Lesbian Theatre Festival returns to Columbus in September
August 6, 2004
1. Signatures are in for state marriage ban
2. Ohio delegates mostly pleased with convention
3. Garden Party fundraiser sees increased returns
4. Missouri marriage ban amendment passes by 71%
5. Volunteers walk Kentucky to oppose ban amendment
6. Couples line up to register as Maine partner law begins
7. Three charged in Alabama teens hate-crime murder
8. Rabbi says Kent State forced him out of his job
9. Marriage scorecard
10. Love makes a family
July 30, 2004
1. Democratic convention has more GLBT delegates, but issues kept quieter
2. Signatures filed to put Article 12 repeal on the ballot
3. Dancin ends a 20-year run in style
4. Eight Ohio choruses join in Montréal world festival
5. In its 30th year, music festival is a crowd pleaser
6. Counter-protests mark visit by Operation Save America
7. House passes bill to tie courts hands on DOMA
8. Woods to fill with song for the 29th Michigan Womyns Music Festival
July 23, 2004
1. House committee passes court-stripping bill
2. Ohio sends a dozen to Democratic convention
3. Warren anti-profiling resolution includes sexual orientation
4. Presidential electionmay hinge on lesbian, gay vote
5. Campaign to defeat marriage ban amendment renamed
6. D.C. activist boosts Article 12 repeal effort at church service
7. LGBT music awards reveal a new depth and maturity
July 16, 2004
1. Marriage amendment goes down to defeat
2. Ohio State workers get partner benefits
3. New Jersey partner law takes effect
4. Court orders Oregon to register same-sex licenses
5. Surfs up! Grab a knife!
July 9, 2004
1. Education group flunks Ohio on safe schools
2. Columbus adds employee-paid domestic partner heath benefits
3. Taft sends mixed signals on marriage ban amendment
4. Whos who behind the Ohio marriage ban amendment
5. Robbery suspect arrested for impersonating a doctor
6. Ban amendments headed to ballot in three more states
7. Cole Porter bio features his work sung by a wide array of performers
July 2, 2004
1. A day in the sun
2. Three Ohio universities offer domestic partner benefits
3. Trio hired to lead campaign against Ohio amendment
4. City Club hosts spirited discussion on marriage
5. Akron General nurses settle strike without benefits
6. Students recognized at GLSEN awards dinner
7. News Briefs
8. Saved! by the hell
June 25, 2004
1. Parade to the polls
2. A banquet for heroes
3. Article 12 repeal campaign is on track for November
4. New interim director takes helm of Cleveland center
5. Partner benefits are at issue in Akron nurses strike
6. GOP testimony conflicts in first Senate marriage hearing
7. Couples sue to strike law barring nonresident vows
8. Out U.K. star debuts a new series on Comedy Central
June 18, 2004
1. Cincinnati Pride takes on a political tone
2. New location gives Decked Out an international feast
3. HRC diners urged to get the White House away from Bush
4. We are at a civil rights moment, Wolfson says of marriage
5. Senate passes hate crime bill
6. Summer reading begins with this Pride Month trio
June 11, 2004
1. Ohio festivities begin with Dayton Pride march
2. TGs covered by civil rights law, court rules
3. Weekend of events raises $270,000 for HRC
4. Ohio is at center of 2004 elections, Jacques says
5. Lakewood council quickly passes Pride declaration
6. Marriage ban backers gather signatures
7. Judge upholds Cleveland Heights registry
8. Ohio has a team in womens pro football playoffs
9. Hats and heels fly as Drag Races kick off Cincy Pride
10. Do Ask, Do Tell
Pride Guide, June 4, 2004
1. A step-by-step guide to Pride, Cincinnati style
2. From Feagler to RuPaul, Cleveland Pride has it all
3. Daytons hometown heroes return to save the evening on June 19
4. Sandusky celebrates Pride with picnic, party, and cruise
5. Columbus Pride Holiday is all of the month of June
6. Even though it is not yet recognized here, Ohio couples who travel to marry find that it strengthens their relationships
May 28, 2004
1. Judge to rule on Ohio marriage ban petitions
2. Article 12 repeal campaign to expand its reach at Pride
3. Canvass finds many voters oppose ban amendment
4. First Stonewall Democrat field leader to be in Ohio
5. Thousands of couples have married in Massachusetts
6. Man indicted in DJs murder
May 21, 2004
1. Lesbians and gays marry in Massachusetts
2. Manager to be hired for Ohio amendment fight
3. Downtown rally supports Massachusetts marriage
4. Cop cant sue because there is no gay civil rights
5. A voice from on high
May 14, 2004
1. All seven plaintiff couples will marry on May 17
2. Hundreds rally at Statehouse against ban amendments
3. Marriage ban signatures can be sought now, judge says
4. Methodist schism proposed, but church will stay together
5. A stage is born
May 7, 2004
1. AIDS walkers brave cold and rain
2. Couple sues to stop Ohio ban amendment
3. Gaybaiting and political posturing blend in U.S. amendment hearings
4. Church reinstates pastor who married same-sex couples
5. Columbus violence reports drop as rest of nation�s rise
6. Ohio womens football teams rousted by opponents
7. Warning: May contain graphic sex and violence
April 30, 2004
1. Battle looms against marriage amendment
2. Ohio Senate panel hears anti-bias bill
3. Day of Silence is quiet, with one exception
4. In Massachusetts, marriage foes and supporters have last-minute scrambles
5. Three men stand trial in killing of transgender teen
6. Party boy meets missionary
April 23, 2004
1. Petitions seek Ohio marriage amendment
2. Davids House finds partner, to stay open
3. Judge stops Oregon marriages
4. Man jailed under voided law is allowed to appeal
5. McDonalds gets new trial in $5 million AIDS bias
6. CATF Art for Life auction exceeds fundraising goal
7. Alliance gears up to fight Kentucky ban amendment
8. New Ohio bishop continues dioceses GLBT support
9. Now you're cookin' with blues
April 16, 2004
1. Theater says city cut it from grant because of a gay play
2. Bloch backs down, will enforce U.S. job bias rule
3. Students march for Ohio marriage rights
4. Many facets of LGBT lives seen at folkways conference
5. Waging the culture war with hair pomade
April 9, 2004
1. Visibilitys downside
2. Two shot in attack on gay teens
3. Ohioans oppose marriage more than the rest of the nation, poll shows
4. DOMA sponsor Barr testifies against U.S. ban amendment
5. Mel White kicks off new Soulforce chapter
6. It's not easy being green Or, for that matter, a gay teen.
April 2, 2004
1. Couples denied marriage licenses at Cuyahoga courthouse
2. Massachusetts ban amendment passes
3. After delay, Corrigan will fill Lakewood council seat anyway
4. Military discharges have slowed since 9-11, SLDN finds
5. Circuit court hears appeal of Salem TG firefighter
6. Ban amendments set back in Kentucky, 2 other states
7. Orchestra celebrates the works of two gay composers
March 26, 2004
1. Quebec now allows same-sex marriage
2. Weddings continue on both coasts
3. Registry can continue while suit against it is heard
4. Ban amendment is reworded before Senate hearing
5. Minister didn't break church law, Methodist jury says
6. Herstory in the making
March 19, 2004
1.Oregon vows continue
2. Top court halts San Francisco marriages
3. Davids House Compassion to close
4. Lakewood council votes to delay filling vacant seat
5. Massachusetts Round Two ends without final passage
6. Five congregations hold service to defy Episcopal church
7. Man gets ten years for kidnapping Akron student
8. 13 states consider amendments to ban marriage
9. Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony bring Mahler to Severance Hall
March 12, 2004
1. Wedding bells ring in Oregon and New Jersey
2. List grows for Article 12 repeal
3. 1,100 pro-partner voters identified in Lakewood
4. Appointment to Lakewood council may tip balance
5. Ohios Congress delegation shies from ban amendment
6.Suits filed for marriage in New York and Seattle
7. Age-disparity dating is a risk for youth, GLSEN told
8. Cleveland International Film Festival
March 5, 2004
1. Wedding bells ring in a small New York town
2. Bush amendment support leads gay leader to quit GOP
3. California top court refuses to halt marriage licenses
4. Rape suspect back in jail after mistaken release
5. Racism and homophobia compared by author Boykin
6. Lawyers given more money in case of demoted TG cop
7. Two Ohio DOMA Democrats lose in primary elections
8. A dynamic duo is among creators exploring the nexus of comics and art
February 27, 2004
1. Bush backs marriage ban amendment
2. Ohio DOMA cited in suit against registry
3. Weddings continue amid lawsuits
4. United Way bars anti-gay bias, including Boy Scouts
5.Cincinnati archbishop backs Article 12 repeal
6. Stark couple is turned down for marriage license
7. Two Ohio groups honored for their voter efforts
8. Around the world in four days
February 20, 2004
1. Thousands take vows in San Francisco
2. Massachusetts lawmakers pause convention until
March, leaving marriage ruling intact for now
3. Couples turned away from marriage bureaus in Ohio
4. McDonalds tells high court to reject AIDS bias case
5. News Briefs
6. Gus Van Sant returns to his surrogate home
February 13, 2004
1. Taft signs defense of marriage act, claiming it is not intolerant
2. Campaign kicks off to repeal Article 12
3. Interim director Riley will be permanent head of CATF
4. Open Hand lays off staffer, asks for financial help
5.New amendment might convert marriages into CUs
6. Bill T. Jones returns for a retrospective of early works
February 6, 2004
1. Miami students protest DOMA at sponsors office
2. We meant marriage, Mass. top court says
3. State of the City: Article 12 must go
4. House agrees to DOMA, sends it to Taft
5. Man attacked as he is leaving gay dance club
6. Couples to seek marriage licenses to protest ban
7. Appeals court rules that state can bar gay adoption
8. 17-year sentence upheld for sex with another teen
9. There's nothing like a Dame
January 30, 2004
1. City partner registry opens smoothly
2. Taft to sign marriage and benefits ban
3. Ohio Democrats elect 14 gay convention delegates
4. Celebrity owner hits snags with new club in Vegas
5. How the candidates stand on LGBT issues
6. Ani DiFranco chats about her new CD
January 23, 2004
1. Ohio bans marriage, state worker benefits
2. Hicks takes new action to stop partner registry
3. Bush stops just shy of backing marriage ban amendment
4. Claim of officer targeting gays is false, court says
5. How the candidates stand on LGBT issues
6. Twins on the verge of a nervous breakdown
January 16, 2004
1. Article 12 repeal is headed for ballot
2. Governor signs New Jersey domestic partner law
3. Graffiti and hate letter to bar stain years end
4. Children benefit from GLBT equality, school CEO says
5. How the candidates stand on LGBT issues
6. Urinetowns number 1 cop is a country boy who ran off to the big city
January 9, 2004
1. Bathhouse chain gave $250,000 for HRC's building
2. Appeals court upholds decision to deny marriage to a TG man
3. New board takes office
4. Lakewood council asks mayor to remove Pride flagpole
5. Iowa judge changes divorce to termination of civil
6. The L Word gets set to even the score
January 2, 2004
1. Technicality trips up claim that Cincinnati measure is against Article 12
2. CSX adds gays to its anti-bias policy
3. State worker union votes to oppose anti-marriage bill
4. 2003: A year of extremes 2004:
A year of opportunity
5. This year saw more Erasure than you can shake a stick at
December 26, 2003
1. Cleveland Heights partner registry to open January 26
2. Activists declare war on marriage amendment
3. New partner law and suit against it can both go ahead
4. Massachusetts top court asks for civil union advice
5. Two marriage surveys show the flaws of relying on polls
December 19, 2003
1. Senate to take up anti-marriage bill in January
2. Spingola and a follower pay fine for 2001 Pride flag burning
3. Domestic partner bill passes New Jersey assembly
4. Ohio top court may hear McDonalds AIDS bias case
5. Iowa judge grants divorce of a Vermont civil union
6. Dramatic treatment of New York's club kids murder pushes the envelope
December 12, 2003
1. Ohio anti-marriage bill advances
2. DOMA opponent testimony centers on bills effect
3. City council honors original hosts at 24th holiday dinner
4. Judge voids sentence for nonexistent sex crime
5. Group formed to win black support for marriage equality
6. Bette Midler returns with a new album and two Ohio tour stops
December 5, 2003
1. 180-day marriage clock begins in Massachusetts
2. Stonewall Columbus will consider a move next year
3. World AIDS Day honored in Ohio and around the world
4. Marriage ban amendment is introduced in Senate
5. TG Day of Rememberance expands to week of events
6. Kucinich endorses new online AIDS platform
7. Tony Kushners epic AIDS drama to air on HBO in December
November 28, 2003
1. This has been a shameful year of AIDS discrimination
2. Generation Gay-C turns middle age
3. Life on the down-low can be as safe as living openly
4. Although infection is steady, CATFs cases grow
5. In the end, its all about individual life stories
November 21, 2003
1. State must allow marriage, court rules
2. Town hall charts course to civil marriage
3. Gay fraternity to have its fourth Ohio chapter at OSU
4. Plumbing, disease and sex dominate DOMA hearing
5. Judge who jailed man for nonexistent crime is sued
6. Lesbian photographer opens exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
November 14, 2003
1. LGBT group marches in Veterans Day parade
2. Man jailed under voided importuning law sues city
3. Anti-gay groups hit list triggers review of AIDS
research projects
4. Sale of baseball bat sculpture boosts Cincinnati Pride
5.Hospital and officers deny they harassed a co-worker
6. Ex-gays to be focus of three Cleveland events
7. Comic Jason Stuart worries about the nation
November 7, 2003
1. Ohios first domestic partner registry passes
2. John Schlagetter loses his second bid for Cincinnati
3. Robinson is elevated to bishop, but with dissent
4. Civil unions proposed as DOMA amendment looms
5. A masked gala celebratess Stonewalls 22nd year
6. Soprano Christine Brandes performs in Cleveland
October 31, 2003
1. Final push for registry begins
2. Summit for, by and about youth brings 200 from three states
3. FBI reports 11% drop in anti-gay crime
4. Films, conference expand vigil into week of events
5.Anonymous flyers target gay Lakewood candidates
6. News Briefs
7. Directors of gay films contribute to multimedia installation
October 24, 2003
1. Picketers decry reversal of $5 million AIDS bias award
2. May this man marry this woman?
3. Anglican leaders stop short of action against gaybishop
4. Song helps stop cancer
5.Candidate sponsors anti-gay church resolution
6. Being out in the public eye is different, celebrities say
7. A big fat gay movie
October 17, 2003
1. Coming Out Day observed in many different ways
2. Group seeks to split Episcopal church over gay bishop
3. Films, vigil and cabaret mark Out in Akrons return
4. Court orders new trial in McDonalds AIDS bias case
would kill benefits, opponents say; Seitz says no
6. Kucinich launches
his presidential campaign
7. Canton mayor candidates
speak on job bias bill
8. News Briefs
9. No lions, tigers or bears
October 10, 2003
1. Ohio House panel considers DOMA bill
2. Smith to leave helm of Cleveland center
3. Police arrest suspect in rape of Akron student
4. Events across Ohio celebrate National Coming Out Day
5. The Chrome Party floats while fabled Atlantis sinks
6. Top military court hears challenge to GI sodomy law
7. Schwarzenegger election leaves gays cautiously optimistic
8. Two videos show the lighter side of coming out
October 3, 2003
1. Showers cant stop a night of thrills and entertainment
2. Elliott, Farina move on to November polls
3. Registry gets a boost from endorsements
4. Views from all sides
5. See you in the funny pages
September 26, 2003
1. Dance students lead Cleveland AIDS Walk
2. Red Ribbon Walk tops last years total
3. Former officer sues hospital for anti-gay harassment
4. Ohio House committee to hear DOMA on October 8
5. Two gay candidates get a boost for Lakewood council
6. Police jail two in bar holdup, seek hustler for robberies
7. Queer dance band makes a splash on both sides of the pond
September 19, 2003
1. Erie Pride steps into the streets
2. Ohio super DOMA is now in House
3. Ohio Lesbian Festival returns to sunny day, good music
4. Man jailed for breaking law that wasnt in effect
5.Truck driver arrested in death of Michigan teen
6. Same-sex marriage squeaks past early Canadian hurdle
7. Case closed on teen rape
8. An interview with Boy Meets Boy winner Wes Culwell
September 12, 2003
1. Heights council honored; group endorses registry
2. Larger crowds enjoy wide variety of food at SRO street fair
3. Senate panel considers marriage limit amendment
4. Lavender university launches in Cleveland
5.Truck driver arrested in death of Michigan teen
6. News Briefs
7. Frida presents a life less long, but far more
September 5, 2003
1. Sweeping partner bill passes state senate
2. Ohio team makes a splash at world swim championships
3. Man says Akron police move too slowly on male rape
4. City gives OK to downtown LGBT retirement community
5. Justice minister goes on same-sex marriage tour
6. The Quails make music for punks, artists, queers and activists
August 29, 2003
1. A beautiful day, but turnout light at 25th We Are Family picnic
2. Prospects dim for marriage limit amendment
3. Charge of police beating leads to city investigation
4. LGBT groups join in events honoring march�s 40th year
5. News Briefs
6. This summer-camp movie is not typical teen fare
August 22, 2003
1. Vote on marriage ban amendment is likely
2. Support for couples rights is slipping, polls find
3. No shortage of power at the Michigan Festival
4. Officials, voters enjoy lake shore Stonewall Dems picnic
5. Church blames homosexuals for assault on its janitor
6. Davis says he will sign sweeping partner bill
August 15, 2003
1.Church approves same-sex unions
2. Rally against racism challenges police and city
3. No timeline on partner benefits, Jackson tells group
4. Seminal queer punkers Pansy Division return with a new album and live shows
August 8, 2003
1. Seven proves a lucky year for Black Unity weekend of festivities
2. Canvassing steps up to repeal Article 12
3. Council sends registry issue to ballot
4. Gay bishop confirmed after charges found groundless
5. Swing your partner
6. High court ruling changed landscape, City Club is told
7. AVOC honors volunteers at 20th anniversary affair
8. News Briefs
9. Director John Schlesinger's mark on Hollywood is indelible
August 1, 2003
1. Dancin weekend draws 3,000 revelers
2. Domestic violence rises in Columbus, down nationally
3. Teen says he was abducted, raped after leaving center
4. HIV rises for a third year among gay, bisexual men
5. N.J. poll shows surprising support for same-sex marriage
6. News Briefs
7. Artist Charles Smith captures more than images
July 25, 2003
1. Household benefits may fall to budget axe
2. Canadian marriage bill referred to high court
3. Massachusetts court misses marriage ruling deadline
4. Police seek leads in mans shooting death outside bar
5. Gay man says Cleveland jailers allowed him to be raped
6. Police arrest man in New Year hate crime killing
7. News Briefs
8. Play examines love, marriage, faith and obedience at the intersection of Catholic and Gay
July 18, 2003
1. Gay man seeks council seat of Lakewood flag opponent
2. Seven presidential contenders speak at HRC forum
3. With two grants, Article 12 repeal group hires director, opens office
4. City gets household benefits report next week
5. Sodomy ruling used in case against military gay ban
6. Michigan teen dies after being beaten, found in ditch
7. News Briefs
8. Angelina Jolie returns to normal life after shooting the new Lara Croft film
July 11, 2003
1. Cleveland Heights partner registry moves to council
2. British Columbia joins Ontario with same-sex marriage
3. Officers job harassment case to be heard in federal court
4. Boyd GSA and school board end talks without agreement
5. Gay minister declines bishop post to avoid church split
6. News Briefs
7. Playing with fire
July 4, 2003
1. Columbus Pride
2. Supreme Court voids all sodomy laws
3. Cleveland celebrates court's decision
4. Court returns case of teen who got 17 years for sex
5. Partner registry has enough signatures to go on ballot
6. News Briefs
June 27, 2003
1. Pride on the water
2. Petitions are in for partner registry
3. Toasting the community
4. Minister�s ouster won�t stop Mt Auburn from being inclusive
5. Children of LGBT parents speak at 9th Pride conclave
6. Avoid water-bearing Pride opponents, organizers ask
7. News Briefs
8. Women, women everywhere 28 years of experience continues in Michigan
June 13, 2003
1. Marriage is now legal in Ontario
2. Rain doesn't dampen spirits at Cincinnati Pride
3. Windy day sets off Dayton Prides flight theme
4. Panel recommends Columbus extend household benefits
5. Ohio needs GLBT equality bill, sponsor tells committee
6. National Womens Music Festival comes to Ohio
7. Lakewood honors Pride, will fly rainbow flag at city hall
8. 20th Columbus HRC dinner sets attendance records
9. Child may have been taken from gay couple due to bias
10. News Briefs
11. Naked Boys Singing
June 6, 2003
1. Cincinnati Pride expands to fill a full weekend
2. Pride Erie Picnic will be a sunny day at the beach
3. Sanduskys first Pride is weekend of Cedar Point day
4. Dayton Pride continues with dinner and a picnic
5. Cleveland Pride events are set to fill the entire month of June
6. Cleveland Pride to have a bigger, more exciting parade
7. The Midwest celebrates at Columbus Pride Holiday
8. No kisses at dockside
May 30, 2003
1. Ohio rights bills, marriage ban discussed at town hall
2. Marriage ban would amend Constitution
3. Boyd schools ask judge to dismiss lawsuit for GSA
4. Panel to rule on man ejected from bus station for kissing
5. Outed Senate candidate refuses to say if he is gay
6. Gay mens health summit seeks to move beyond HIV
7. News Briefs
8. Sophie B. Hawkins
May 23, 2003
1. Denying marriage is barbaric, Innes tells HRC dinner
2. Charter Party endorses gay council candidate
3. Retaking White House is top subject at Democrats dinner
4. �We owe it to the next generation,� GLSEN founder says
5. Man held for stabbing teen who said she was lesbian
6. Survey: 60% oppose sodomy laws, 88% support job rights
7. News Briefs
May 16, 2003
1. Senator introduces Ohio GLB equal rights bill
2. Community leaders upset with Columbus officials
3. New adult ordinance may close Toledos only baths
4. Bar owner pleads guilty in boy prostitution case
5. Judge dismisses suit against Indiana marriage ban
6. News Briefs
7. Toward finding yourself
May 9, 2003
1.Signatures add up for registry and Article 12 repeal
2. A stroll through downtown breaks an AIDS fundraising
3. Bathhouse reopens after city makes no move
4. Akron couple arrested for keeping sons locked up
5. Judge and CCV wont be heard in TG marriage case
6. McDonalds appeals $5 M verdict for worker with AIDS
7. Canton schools likely to get gay-straight alliances
8. News Briefs
9. Evenings Out: X marks the spot, again
May 2, 2003
1. Drive to repeal Article 12 begins
2. Covington ordinance passes unanimously
3. Hate crime reports may signal a rise in two Ohio cities
4. U.N. panel delays gay human rights vote to next year
5. Forum notes some progress in protecting gay students
6. Ohio high court allows toilet camera conviction to stand
7. News Briefs
8. Ending 13 years of depression did not harm Linda Howards art
April 25, 2003
1. Minister found guilty of marrying same-sex couples
2. John Farina to run for Lakewood city council
3. Booklets in mail oppose Covington ordinance
4. Boyd High must allow gay-straight alliance, court rules
5. Senator decried for comparing gay sex to incest, bigamy
6. Council members discuss city worker partner benefits
7. Put the flawless in
8. News Briefs
9. Preppies in Bohemia
April 18, 2003
1.Students at 84 Ohio schools quietly protest harassment
2. Flex closes for 30 days, may seek new location
3. City sued over hate crime ordinance
4. Crumpton leaves CATF, Riley is interim director
5. Authors kick off AIDS Taskforce Asian campaign
6. OSU forum debates Supreme Court sodomy law case
7. News Briefs
8. John Greyson to present his story of 18th-century outlaw gay love
April 11, 2003
1. Ministers trial begins for defying gay ban
2. Bathhouse reopens to continued opposition
3. Erie County civil rights ordinance may be rendered useless
4. Ted Wammes is first gay man named to relations board
5. ACLU sues school that made gay boy read Bible aloud
6. News Briefs
7. Around the world in three days
April 4, 2003
1. Marriage ban bill now in Ohio Senate
2. State LGBT civil rights bill debuts
3. Theater says Corpus Christi will go on, despite protests
4. Race relations project asks people to dig deep
5. Indiana same-sex marriage case has first day in court
6. News Briefs
7. Evenings Out:
Sari and soccer: Tradition meets modernity in a British hit film

March 28, 2003
1. Ohio super DOMA would cancel benefits
2. Justices question lawyers on Texas sodomy law
3. Wide support seen at second hearing for Covington
4. Cast member shares his life after the Real World
5. Court says Pride Day flag burner needed a permit
6. Student testifies gays were harassed in Boyd GSA hearing
7. New Mexico passes lesbian, gay and TG anti-bias law
8. News Briefs
9. Gus Van Sant's latest is no gerry at all

March 21, 2003
1. New bathhouse is forced to close
2. Judge awards $1.22 million to beaten Colorado teen
3. McDonalds to appeal $5 million AIDS bias award.
4. Lawyers optimistic as high court sodomy hearing nears
5. Briefs
6. 10% Cinema at the 27th Cleveland International Film Festival presents abundant fare

March 14, 2003
1. Partner registry backers begin petition drive
2. City to be sued over hate crime ordinance
3. Stonewall reorganizes staff, adds new programs
4. CCV tries to insert itself into TG marriage case
5. Issue 3 backers ask judge to oppose fired officers
6. TG man can sue judge for marriage license arrest
7. News Briefs

March 7, 2003
1. Demoted officer wins $320,000 from city
2. Massachusetts high court debates allowing marriage
3. Transgender performer is found murdered near Detroit
4. Heterosexual couple, one TG, appeals denial of marriage
5. White supremacist pleads guilty to killing gay couple
6. Appeals panel has tough questions on adoption ban
7. News Briefs
8. A view from under the bridge.

February 28, 2003
1. Petitions seek Ohio's first partner registry
2. Taskforce social marketing program wins NFL award
3. Celebration reclaims God and religion for all people
4. Florida TG mans marriage ruled valid, he gets children
5. News Briefs
6. The 2002 Prism Awards

February 21, 2003
1. Couples across Ohio ask for marriage licenses
2. Activists set out to repeal Cincinnatis Article 12
3. Be yourself, students are told
4. Sodomy laws should remain, Texas tells high court
5. Rallying against the war
6. Judy Maruszan to leave Cleveland center post
7. Bill would allow same-sex partners to remain in U.S.
8. News Briefs
9. Pedro Almodovar's latest film is not to be missed

February 14, 2003
1. Hundreds turn out for Covington ordinance
2. Second Ohio lawmaker proposes civil rights bill
3. Same-sex couples apply to marry in 3 Ohio counties
4. Small companies shut out of domestic partner benefits
5. Royal Ball
6. HIV infections increase for the first time in ten years
7. News Briefs
8. A fine line between art and fun

February 7, 2003
1. Cincinnati council passes hate crime ordinance
2. Belgium is second country with full same-sex marriage
3. Robberies near bars were not hate crimes, police say
4. Bush increases domestic and foreign AIDS spending
5. News Briefs
6. Slings and eros, a blow-by-blow interview with Tim Miller

January 31, 2003
1. Ohio LGBT civil rights bill to be introduced
2. Beauchamp slaying sparks push for hate crime law
3. Second year of CLAW brings triple the money
4. Bingo scams involved gay bars, agencies in four cities
5. Nominee stays off AIDS panel after phobic views revealed
6. News Briefs
7. Broadway favorite Chicago may bring back the movie musical

January 24, 2003
1. Supreme Court begins review of sodomy laws
2. Hearing set for Covington human rights ordinance
3. Stonewall Columbus board changes gender rules
4. Louis Escobar is elected to lead Toledo city council
5. Kissing gets two men thrown out of Greyhound station
6. News Briefs
7. Three lives intertwine around Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway

January 17, 2003
1. Eric Fingerhut to run for U.S. Senate
2. Hundreds counter Phelps clans pickets of school gay-straight alliance
3. Police toilet-camera case headed to Ohio high court
4. Attorney honored for two LGBT name-change cases
5. Fired TG woman sues county for sex, race discrimination
6. News Briefs
7. Evenings Out

January 10, 2003
1. Final murder of 2002 looks like an
anti-gay hate crime
2. Bill to reinstate draft would end 'dont's ask'
3. Cincinnati foes wind up against Covington rights measure
4. Home insurance doesn't cover partner, company says
5. Fellatio has no HIV risk, says San Francisco STD director
6. Conservative Judaism may change ban on same-sex vows
7. News Briefs
8. Craig Chester's new memoir offers
an honest self-dissection

January 3, 2003
1. Frist's record is much the same as Lott's
2. State removes lesbians and gays from bully program
3. Massachusetts marriage ban dies at year's end
4. HIV vaccine development: Prospects and challenges
5. Young lesbians take more risks than gay men, study finds
6. Celebrity photographer Herb Ritts dies at age 50
7. The butler didn't do it